Seasonal Allergies in Horses: What to Expect

Seasonal Allergies in Horses: What to Expect

When it comes to our beloved horses, ensuring their health and well-being is of utmost importance. As horse owners, we understand the joy and responsibility that come with caring for these magnificent animals. However, as seasons change and allergy triggers fluctuate, our equine companions may face challenges due to seasonal allergies. At Carter Veterinary Services serving the Lowcountry, we specialize in providing comprehensive care for horses, offering expertise in equine veterinary services to address a range of health issues, including seasonal allergies.

Here are six things to expect when it comes to seasonal allergies in horses and how our team of experienced horse vets at Carter Veterinary Services can help make your horse more comfortable. Schedule an appointment today!

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Increased Scratching

One common sign of seasonal allergies in horses is increased scratching. As your horse's caretaker, you may notice them rubbing against surfaces or continually scratching their skin. These behaviors can indicate an allergic reaction that needs to be addressed promptly. Our equine vet team can conduct thorough examinations and advanced diagnostics to determine the cause and recommend suitable treatment options to alleviate your horse's discomfort.

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Respiratory Issues

Horses can also experience respiratory problems as a result of seasonal allergies. Symptoms like coughing, wheezing, exercise intolerance, or nasal discharge may indicate an allergic response affecting the respiratory system. Our horse vet specialists have the knowledge and tools to accurately diagnose respiratory conditions in horses. By choosing Carter Veterinary Services, you can rest assured that your horse's respiratory health is in good hands.

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Skin Irritations

Seasonal allergies can lead to various skin irritations in horses, such as hives or dermatitis. These skin conditions can cause discomfort and affect your horse's overall well-being. At Carter Veterinary Services, our large animal vet team is skilled in identifying the underlying causes of skin irritations in horses. We develop tailored treatment plans to address these issues effectively, promoting your horse's skin health and comfort.

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Eye Discharge and Irritation

Allergic reactions can manifest in a horse's eyes, causing symptoms such as excessive tearing, redness, and irritation. Our equine vet professionals are trained to examine eye conditions in horses with precision and care. With our expertise, we can provide comprehensive eye care services to manage allergic reactions effectively and ensure your horse's ocular health is maintained.

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Behavioral Changes

Horses experiencing seasonal allergies may exhibit behavioral changes, such as restlessness or agitation. Recognizing and addressing these behavioral shifts is crucial for your horse's well-being. Our experienced large animal vet team at Carter Veterinary Services serving the Lowcountry understands the impact of allergies on horse behavior. We can recommend appropriate management strategies to help your horse remain calm and comfortable during allergy season.

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Customized Allergy Management Plans

At Carter Veterinary Services, we believe in providing personalized care for every horse facing seasonal allergies. Our dedicated equine vet team works collaboratively to create customized allergy management plans tailored to your horse's unique needs. Whether through dietary adjustments, medication, or environmental modifications, we are committed to helping your horse navigate allergy season with comfort and ease.


If your horse is showing signs of seasonal allergies, don't hesitate to schedule an appointment with our team at Carter Veterinary Services. By addressing the symptoms early and implementing a tailored treatment plan, we can help make your horse more comfortable and alleviate their allergy-related issues. Contact us today to schedule your appointment at our Lowcountry large animal vet and take the first step towards ensuring your horse's health, happiness, and comfort. Trust Carter Veterinary Services for expert equine vet care that you and your horse can rely on.

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